Mail Trail: A Journey of Reflections

Mail Trail is a unique artistic endeavour where around 200 postcards bearing my personal reflections, ideas, and musings embark on a global journey to reach complete strangers. This project was born out of a need to declutter my mind, allowing these thoughts to find a new home in the consciousness of others.

Each postcard is a vessel for a specific reflection or idea that has occupied my mind. By transcribing these thoughts and sending them away, I symbolically release them, hoping they will continue to evolve and resonate within someone else’s mind. The recipients, unknown to me and unable to contact me, are invited into a moment of unexpected contemplation and introspection.

The cards appear personal, yet it is evident that I do not know the individuals who receive them. This ambiguity may prompt the recipients to wonder about the sender’s identity and the context of the message, potentially leading them to reflect on forgotten connections or new perspectives.

Mail Trail seeks to inspire surprise and deep thought, bridging the gap between strangers through the intimate act of sharing personal reflections. It is an artistic experiment in letting go, in trusting that the thoughts released into the world will find new meaning and life in the minds of others.

If you have received a postcard and stumbled upon this page, know that you are part of a larger narrative, a tapestry of thoughts woven across the globe. While you cannot reach out to me directly, your engagement with the card completes the circle of this artistic journey.